Pre-wired and ready to install, we've got full color LED modules for any
situation. Use one or use thousands to create the most amazing displays of light
that will blow you away. We've even set up a consultation service to
provide assitance for advanced implementations. Light up anything in any
color and then animate it as you please.

How do they work? All the LEDs are chained together with a controller at
one end. Data flows along the chain as each LED's controller repeats what it
received on its input. The data can be clocked in at high speed (up to 25
mHz) which means thousands of modules can be updated in a fraction of a
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Implementation of large numbers of pixels is straightforward since
there's only 4 wires between each LED and they are shipped pre-connected.
Five different modules to choose from, all sealed and weatherproof:
5V 12mm round shape
5V 20mm round shape
12V 33mm square shape
12V 78mm Rectangular
12V 50mm Dome
To control them, use any 5V Microcontroller with 2 data outputs such as an
Alternatively we offer our own, high performance configurable controller
(available soon).
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